Burnout – a growing problem
Burnout syndrome often begins with inconspicuous early symptoms. Sleep disturbances, inner restlessness, exhaustion and even panic attacks can be signs of a burnout syndrome. These first symptoms can be positively influenced by hypnotherapeutic treatment.
Hypnotherapy for burnout clients is done in three steps:
1. Self-hypnosis
In a first step, the client learns the practices of self-hypnosis. This procedure is not time-consuming and can be performed anywhere. This releases tension and clients can bring theselves into a positive, relaxed emotional state.
2. Work on behaviour patterns and beliefs
In the second step, conventional behavioural patterns and beliefs such as excessive perfectionism and too high demands in different areas of life are worked on and changed or dissolved in the trance state. The client recognises the cause of the state of exhaustion.
3. Finding and working out a new lifestyle
In the last step, the goals for a further positive lifestyle are worked out.
For hypnotherapy for burnout, at least three sessions are required.
I work in a central location in the Praxis am Turm in Frankfurt am Main, at Oeder Weg 15 (U-Bahn stop Eschenheimer Turm).
1 hypnosis session (70-90 minutes ) costs 159 Euro